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D.E.A.M. Meeting Minutes
Monday, Decmber 15, 2014

MVA Glen Burnie, MD

A meeting was held with the Driver’s Education Association of Maryland (DEAM), the Maryland Professional Driver’s Education Association (MPDEA) and Motor Vehicle Administration (MVA) staff on December 15, 2014, beginning at 2:00 p.m.

In Attendance:

Yakima (Kym) Nelson - MVA
William Kraft - MVA
Tom Pecoraro - I Drive Smart - no Association affiliation
Tom Liberatore - MVA
Sandy Greer (A+ Driving School) - MPDEA
Peter Moe - MVA
Patrick Francis (Roland Park Driving School) - DEAM
Ned Farris (Greg's Driving School) - DEAM
Natasha Burrows - MVA
Mike Whelan (College of Southern Maryland) - MPDEA
Mike Pecoraro - I Drive Smart - no Association affiliation
Mary Moore (Greg's Driving School) - DEAM
Mary Beth McCollum (College of Southern Maryland) - MPDEA
Lucienne Joseph (A2B Driving School) - DEAM
Lesley Romero (A2B Driving School) - DEAM
Larry Blickman - MVA
Ken Browning (EZ Driving School) - DEAM
Kelly Sisk (Premier Driving School) - MPDEA
Joe Miedusiewski (Semmes, Bowen and Semmes, Public Affairs) - DEAM
Jean Oswald - MVA
Hughes Joseph (A2B Driving School) – DEAM
Gene D'Onofrio (#1-3A Method Driving School) - DEAM
Christopher Ertel (#1-3A Method Driving School) - DEAM
Beth Morris (Bayside Driving School) - MPDEA
April Jackson (CBS Driving School) - MPDEA

Points of Discussion:

Agenda Items - click here to view list.

The order of discussion did not match the order of agenda items.

  1. Opening & Introductions
    • Peter Moe began the meeting.
    • Tom Liberatore formally introduced the "new" Deputy Administrator, Kym Nelson.
    • Kym Nelson stated that her 'official' title was Deputy Administrator of Central Operations and Safety Programs. She explained that because she is still familiarizing herself with the role, she will be doing "a lot of listening and a lot of Q&A" initially.
    • All of the attendees then introduced themselves.
    • Peter Moe stated that the agenda items in bold were identified as the priority items, and were going to be discussed first to ensure that at least these items were addressed within the allotted two hours - click here to view agenda items again.
    • Peter Moe also thanked all in attendance from both Associations as well as other individuals (not affiliated with DEAM or MPDEA). He also made special note of DISD's newest addition (also in attendance), Natasha Burrows - who is Carol Kral's replacement.
  2. Old Business
    1. Highway Safety Act Outreach
      • Maryland's Highway Safety Act (among other purposes) allows residents who cannot prove their citizenship to obtain a second tier driver’s license marked “Not for Federal Purposes.” - click here for more information.
      • It was confirmed that the information for applicants presented on the MVA's website has been updated and is accurate.
      • A few brochures still need to be updated to include complete information for licensing requirements.
    2. Spanish Language Curriculum
      • 21 or 22 instructors have been approved to teach the curriculum
      • MVA indicated that a bulletin will be written up to clarify the procedure for approval. This bulletin will be sent to all schools - within next couple of weeks...
      • April Jackson asked if a Spanish Final Exam could be made available to Spanish "reading" students who completed the English version of the course. The response was "NO". Peter Moe stated that the MVA would have to evaluate the effectiveness of the Spanish curriculum before they could have discussions on this particular topic.
      • There was also a discussion of unlicensed entities providing paid services for helping individuals to pass the driving test. The MVA suggested that schools report these to Compliance Inspection where warranted. It was advised that schools not jeopardize safety when collecting specific information (e.g. names, tag numbers, vehicle description, etc.) about these entities.
    3. DIWS Workflow System: Licensing Period – Revised Procedure
      • There has been a recurring problem where the instructor and/or school license renewal dates have been reflecting the previous application/process date instead of the actual expiration date. The MVA's DIWS (Document Imaging Workflow System) system requires data entry of an "Effective Date" which is entered as the application/process date. The problem occurs when the system automatically calculates the expiration date as two years from this inputted effective date.
      • Click here to view the actual screen shot of the DIWS where the data is entered.
      • MVA will resolve this issue by manually entering expiration dates.
      • The MVA stated that schools should contact the DISD if any dates need to be corrected - on an individual basis.
    4. Instructor Certification Process: Alternative Model w/combined Basic & Advanced Instruction Possible Apprentice and Advanced Testing Scenarios
      • A workflow diagram (attachment) was distributed that details the current Driver Education instructor licensing process.
      • Main concern: changes required to improve this process.
        1. Several proposals:
        • some form of combined course (apprenticeship and advanced) that results in a certified instructor (that is ready to work and teach immediately after)
        • Instructor Trainers to test and do final evaluations - to reduce DECI scheduling issues
        • Separation of licenses i.e. a split system: allow BTW only and/or classroom instructor only. This system would still require that both types of applicants receive training on all facets of Driver's Education, but the BTW applicants would NOT need to demonstrate proficiency in "teaching classroom" via an evaluation of a 'mock' classroom scenario (and vice versa, classroom instructor applicants would NOT need to demonstrate proficiency in "doing BTW" via an evaluation of a 'mock' behind-the-wheel scenario.
      • Discussions regarding what is needed to change policies/regulations or COMAR (to accommodate any process change) would be required.
      • A meeting was scheduled for Tuesday, January the 13th, 10am to 2pm, to discuss suggestions for changes.
    5. Parent Survey
      • The MVA received a grant from the Maryland Highway Safety Office to do survey of parents that posed questions regarding their child's driver's education training.
      • The National Study Center for Trauma and EMS contributed to the survey.
      • Out of 10,000 surveyed, there were only 987 Reponses.
      • Some of the results:
        1. 60+% of parents were NOT aware that their involvement was requested
        2. Location was most important factor in choosing the provider
        3. Subjects interviewed indicated that 'distracted driving' was a main concern
      • There was a request that complete results of the survey be made available to driving schools - MVA still analyzing responses
      • It was suggested that regulations be adjusted to accommodate parents. The MVA stated that COMAR says 30 "students", so as long your room occupancy is within fire codes, you may have a 30 student (Unit 1) class with parents attending as well...
  3. New Business
    1. Vehicle Model Year Policy
      • There has been some discrepancy as to when a vehicle should be retired.
      • Bill Kraft (and the DECI's) have been enforcing COMAR - which states 7 "model" years - based on this, a 2010 model year car would have to be retired at the end of 2016 - counting (1) 2010, (2) 2011, (3) 2012, (4) 2013, (5) 2014, (6) 2015, and (7) 2016.
      • HOWEVER, the current depreciation chart in circulation indicates that a 2010 car does not have to be retired at the end of 2017 - counting (1) 2011, (2) 2012, (3) 2013, (4) 2014, (5) 2015, (6) 2016, and (7) 2017.
      • The MVA has agreed to use the existing depreciation chart which has been in circulation in years - and they "may" provide confirmation in writing, or distribute a new chart with the same specs.
      • The subject of vehicle inspections was also discussed. Three important issues:
        1. Inspection date based on title date, not Certificate of Origin date.
        2. "New" vehicles do NOT need to be inspected.
        3. Peter Moe stated that from a safety perspective, schools should secure inspections within 30 to 45 days year from date of last inspection date - however, the DIWS will still keep original inspection date.
    2. Annual Reports
      • MVA stated that they still do not have 100% compliance with schools submitting annual reports
      • Only 55 schools out of 122 submitted so far. See chart (titled "Figures to Date: 5/1/14") with industry data/numbers.  Data available as of December 8, 2014. Click here to view.
      • Peter Moe said the MVA is reviewing the information requested in the annual reports, and is asking the question: "How can we simplify what is needed, and also generate internally what we need?"
      • They have scheduled March 31st, 2015 as a deadline for a "new template".
      • In the interim, they are requesting ALL schools to submit the forms to the best of their abilities, and seek MVA assistance where necessary.
    3. Curriculum Revision & Online Driver Education
      • The MVA is convening a Driver Education Curriculum Overview Committee to guide the development of the new (soon to be updated) driver education curriculum.
      • The committee will be comprised of members of the Maryland Driver Education community as well as experts from the fields of transportation, education, and safety.
      • The purpose of this Overview Committee is to help set goals and general objectives for the curriculum, and provide direction on how the classroom and behind the wheel components can work together to create the best learning experience for all new Maryland drivers; and to compare with national standards (i.e ADTSEA, DSAA, NHTSA, etc.)
      • These goals and objectives would then ultimately be communicated to Unit Committees as guidance when they actually update the curriculum content and teaching tools (i.e. PowerPoint slides, videos, etc.)
      • A Technical Review Committee would edit and suggest corrections/revisions as needed.
      • A "Technology" Review Committee would address ideas regarding alternative delivery methods including ONLINE delivery.
      • Concerns/concepts surrounding ONLINE delivery method include:
        1. Technical issues - discussions needed to address mechanics of content delivery.
        2. Appropriate audience for Internet learning.
        3. Research needed to explore what is being done nationally - around the country - what has worked/what has not worked.
        4. NHTSA provides assistance for reviewing online content.
        5. Main goal is that any delivery method should meet safety objectives.
        6. Industry (i.e. Maryland driving schools) MUST be involved - to ensure proper implementation and quality standards.
      • Tom Liberatore and Peter Moe both agreed that industry involvement is of the utmost importance.
      • April Jackson stated that most of the industry opposes online driver's education.
      • Peter Moe replied; "Customers are changing, lifestyles are changing, adaptation to technology is changing - so conversations are needed now because learners are changing".
    4. Instructor Conduct – Inappropriate behavior
      • There has been a recent increase in reports of inappropriate behavior or misconduct by mainly behind-the-wheel instructors.
      • Most of the incidents usually involve inappropriate cell phone or "Facebook" contact with a student.
      • According to the MVA, "only a little more than a handful" have been reported - but there were previously "none".
      • MVA will send a bulletin to schools outlining policies/roles and responsibilities
      • MVA is taking a "very aggressive stance with the toughest punishments".
      • Kym Nelson reiterated that this issue is "very serious" and the MVA would appreciate any assistance from schools in reporting incidents as soon as possible.
    5. Rookie Driver Skills Log
      • Jean Oswald scheduled to make updates to the log.
      • The specifics of the updates are unknown.
    6. Drivers School Owner Manual
      • MVA still has plans to create an "Owner's Manual" for schools.
      • Topics to include:
      1. Section by section through COMAR
      2. Specific instructions like how to fill out classroom completion, etc...
  4. Future Issues
    1. Revision of COMAR
      • Conversations to discuss changes necessary to accommodate any process changes in near future (i.e. instructor training process, etc.)
      • Schools/Associations should bring those to table ASAP
    2. Other Issues
      • Continuing Education Ideas
      • Compliance - Complaints, etc.
      • Follow-up Needed
  5. 2015 Meeting Dates
    • Tuesday, January 13th - 10am to 2pm - Discussions: Improvements Instructor Training Process
    • Various Workshops - Overview Committee, Unit Committees
    • Next Associations Meeting?? - quarterly instead of bi-annually or tri-annually - maybe mid April for next - MVA will pitch some dates...

The meeting ended at around 4:30 p.m.

Christopher Ertel
Summary of Discussions

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Driver’s Education Association of Maryland (DEAM). All Rights Reserved.